First let me begin by sharing with you that #1 I am new to the hair obsessed club and still learning from my "Hair Heroes" and #2 I am a working mom (who by the way is NOT a morning person!!!) I am finding that practice makes perfect better. Meanwhile my girls and I are enjoying our time together and we invite you to join us on our journey. Sometimes we do fancy and sometimes we flop but for us it's the process.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The night before do's

It's been a little while since I last posted - I've been having some health issues, but frankly I need to get something together because my children were looking like little rag dolls! Their daddy got them ready for school yesterday - they didn't even meet a hairbrush in the morning!

I've been extra tired but I had the girls take a bath last night and prepped their hair so I had VERY LITTLE to do this morning. After baths last night, I parted my little princesses hair into the hair headband, then I divided the rest with the zigzag part. I put the hair in pony tails and I wrapped them around my finger and made them each into a giant pin curl. It took a lot of bobby pins. I secured the hair headband with another set of bobby pins and put her to bed.
This morning, I wet down the hair headband and added gel. I smoothed it down and secured it behind her head. It looked like a little ponytail sticking out. Then I made some loose messy buns. They looked cute with the large curls in them. Then I tucked the little ponytail from the headband up into one of the messy buns.

Honestly, it wasn't perfect, but I'm talking 7 minutes tops here - and compared to yesterday, she looked like a million bucks!

Little Bird still hates having her hair done, but I needed her to look better than she has lately.
After her bath I put in five small french braids on a diagonal part and used clips to secure them. I knew they wouldn't be super neat the next morning, but it actually wasn't too bad.
I took the ends of each braid and bobby pinned them into pin curls. Then I sort of twisted the rest of her hair into two pony tail bun like things (I KNOW, so technical!) so that it would have a little wave in it.
I think Little Bird's hair looked fantastic from the back, but wasn't quite as neat as I'd like it in front . . . but then again, she looked SO much better than the poor waif she had been looking like!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We Have A Winner!

Thank you to those of you who entered - our winner, selected by is


Congradulations Drea! Please contact me with your mailing info and I will send those right out!
Meanwhile, my posts may be a little sporatic as my home computer has completely crashed and I can not get onto the internet from home. Hopefully it will be up and running again soon. . . until then. . .

Friday, January 1, 2010

French Knots with a Messy Bun and some french twists on the side!

I don't know what these are called but I'm going to call them French knots. What I really love about them is that they make my princess look like she's got really thick hair!

I parted my princess's hair diagonally across the top into three large sections and left two small ones on the sides.
I made the french knots by tying the hair like you would a shoelace, after each tie, I'd grab another little section of hair and tie that in working myself from the front to the back.
After I finished each row I bobby pinned it in place for the time being.

I pulled all of the hair (minus the side sections below the french knots) into a pony tail and then removed the bobby pins.
Then I did a small french twist with the little side hairs on each side and continued the twist to the end.

I wrapped each twist around the pony tail and bobby pinned it.

Then I used another elastic around the pony tail - pulled the hair half way through and used a second elastic to help shape the messy bun. Other than the bobby pin showing in this picture, I really like how the messy bun turned out.