First let me begin by sharing with you that #1 I am new to the hair obsessed club and still learning from my "Hair Heroes" and #2 I am a working mom (who by the way is NOT a morning person!!!) I am finding that practice makes perfect better. Meanwhile my girls and I are enjoying our time together and we invite you to join us on our journey. Sometimes we do fancy and sometimes we flop but for us it's the process.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Princess donated about 17 inches of hair back at Christmas - yes, I know - a LONG time ago and I really did mean to blog about it. . . remember that baby;-)

For something special on her 8th birthday in June, she got to pick out a really fun hairpiece that matches beautifully and gives her a beautiful updo look. It's actually an adult hairpiece, on the expensive side, but it was her birthday present.  I love how it twists around her teeny tiny ponytail (sorry, NOT shown) and hangs in beautiful curls. 

Princess - being Princess - we had to add some bling AND color the the updo too.  It's a shame that you can't see the sparkle of the bling in the picture.  The color comes from a fun colorful ponytail wrap that we bought ages ago.  Tucked in, it looked so fun.

I love that even though she's got fairly short hair now, she still likes to do some fun and beautiful things with it.  I also love how fast hairpieces can turn a little girl into a diva!
She was definitely the hit at the restaurant - Panara Bread - her birthday dinner pick - at least it wasn't McDonalds!  I do love my little Princess!

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