First let me begin by sharing with you that #1 I am new to the hair obsessed club and still learning from my "Hair Heroes" and #2 I am a working mom (who by the way is NOT a morning person!!!) I am finding that practice makes perfect better. Meanwhile my girls and I are enjoying our time together and we invite you to join us on our journey. Sometimes we do fancy and sometimes we flop but for us it's the process.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Training up a future Diva;-)

I began this blog when I had two girls and wanted to learn ways to make their hair fun and pretty. Along the way we gained another little girl and, well, we need to train her up right. . .
To begin with, she needs to know all about accessories! Although I don't have the photo proof, it started in the hospital. Then, as shown, continued at her 2 week photo shoot. . .
Headbands. . . followed by hats. . .
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Cute. . . Pretty. . . Silly!

By the time her hair grows long enough to style, she'll be ready to rock and roll!


Aunt Sue said...

I love your post adding that sweetie pie!

Curly Hairdo Ideas said...

Adorable!! Congrats! :D